Love Part Five  “Pay Forward” Gift # 245

I greet The Indwelling Beloved Lover Loving.

Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – Love Part Five.  “Let us love, since that is all our hearts were made for” St Therese De Lisieux.  Let’s take a look at another group of loves examples. Agape (Spiritual Love – God is Love), Storge (Affection – Nurturing), Philia (Friendship), Eros (Being in Love – Romance), Primal-love (all-inclusive expressions of love), and Self-love (the least understood).  The division of love may be endless.  Most of us have from time to time tried to generalize love as though one love fits all. For example: a woman and a man may be the best of friends (Philia) and they decide to add romance to the relationship (Eros), perhaps a little sex is included.  Before long, all kinds of problems come up, the fun flows out; the demands charge in.  Another example: Primal-love is a manifestation of love from the simplest form of creation to the most complex, an expression of Omnipresence and seems to be Agape (Spiritual Love – God is Love), the First Cause where Primal-love is an effect, an expression.  Another example: Perhaps the most limiting and harmful misunderstanding is that of self-love, believing it is the same as selfish, ego-driven self-centeredness.  All relationships are expressions of love, but often we need the Eyes to see beyond the appearance.  Ask your Higher Power for guidance for your serendipity journey to love.  Perhaps these “Pay Forward” affirmations will help broaden and deepen our understanding of love, our true nature, and its Loving Source.  Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
