I Greet The Indwelling Presence.
Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – Being. “We are called upon not to be successful, but to be faithful" [to our Higher Power] Mother Teresa. It’s to be the individual we are created to be; honoring our Individually Divine Design. Let’s be ourselves, and be faithful to our Father, living the spiritual principles we are given. Doing that, we affect all of humanity in a loving way, by living a purposeful life. We do not have to be a great leader; we need only to take care of what’s in front of us. Come let us love one another and do our Father’s Will. Let us stop giving to other people, and circumstance the right to determine our happiness, joy and freedom, or the lack of it. A.A. gives us the tools to seek and find our Higher Power and our true created Higher Self. That same loving guidance is omnipresent; available to all who will ask our Father for it, with all our heart, mind and soul. By making someone or something our Source instead of our Higher Power blocks the way, the truth. To limit the spiritual principles we are freely given for problem fixing only, is like judging the abundance of the ocean by a few empty shells, or standing on the back of a whale, fishing for minnows. Our Father has guided me into a more purposeful life of love and service. “Faith without works is dead.” Thy Love Thy Will be done.