Our Creator Is Love – Then So Are We “Pay Forward” # 252

I greet The Indwelling Presence doing the works.

Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – Our Creator Is Love – Then So Are We.  Come let us first love our Father, and then, love as many of His creatures we can.  Mother Teresa’s suggestion - “Do small things with great love.” If we do, we will become beloved lovers loving.  I continue to go to A.A. meetings, and I share one-on-one visits often, yet somehow I feel separate.  I realize giving more love; sharing me is the answer to my illusion of separation.  Love is the most potent chemotherapeutic treatment ever devised.  Love is a vital ingredient in the treatment of all our human conditions.  Love changes us into our true selves.  Lacking the ability to give or receive love is a major factor of my alcoholism or any other addiction.  Love’s treatments call for us to give up our selfishness, self-centeredness and self-seeking. Freeing us to surrender these defects to our Father, He will transform them into enlightened self-interest.  It is safe to dispense love with impunity because we cannot overdose.  By our Father’s grace, we will never run out of love; there are no adverse side effects.  Today I am willing to practice simple acts of love until my heart and mind are filled with a deeper love. “Love is the medicine for the sickness of the world; a prescription often given, too rarely taken” (Dr. Karl Menninger).  Thy Love, Thy Will be done.       
