Discipline “Pay Forward” Gift # 256

I greet The Indwelling Divine Teacher.

Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – Discipline - is one of those words that turn some people off. I served in the Marine Corps for a few years, where discipline was a way of life.   It built a sense of responsibility and character, which I lacked.  Some A.A.’s thought it was too controlling. In Latin, the root word for discipline is discipulus = may be used as a trainee or a disciple.  In Boot Camp, I became a trainee with a new way of life; based on submission to rules and authority. I was a student under the direct supervision of a teacher, called a D.I. (Drill Instructor). At first, I felt like the D.I. was punishing me. The training molded me into a Marine. I learned a great deal about discipline in Boot Camp. I learned a lot about sober discipline in Alcoholics Anonymous. I am grateful for the discipline I learned in A.A. and the Marines. It helps me practice the A.As’ spiritual principles, when I want to and when I don’t. I learned not to drink alcohol no matter what. A disciple is one who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of another. As I became part of Twelve Stepping I was like a disciple. I embraced A.A., and I carried the good news about sobriety’s way of life.  (OK don't take the word disciple so serious) Thy Love, Thy Will be done.

