I greet The Indwelling Changer.
Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – Change! “You have to be where you are to get where you needed to go” Amy Poehler. What can we change? Can the past change? Yes, and no, our experience of the past can change but not the past. For example, our experience as an alcoholic from one of the weakness, worthlessness, badness to a disease, this can transform into an asset. Can we change the present? Yes, by focusing on the here and now we have the power of choice. If I am lingering in the past, I am living out an illusion or projecting it into the future. In that situation, I am letting the past equal the future; experience wise. Can we change the future? Once I realize what my heart’s desire is I can choose to live the present in a way that will move me toward my heart’s desire instead of a way from it. For example, I may have to have a skill that I don’t presently have. I can choose this moment to put myself in the place to learn that skill and take the action I need, here and now. I can choose to focus my attention on what I believe is my Higher Power’s purpose for me and take the next step toward it. “Truth is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance that surround it, it shines clear” Mohandas Gandhi. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.