I greet The Indwelling Presence.
Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – Must Be Present To Win. Serving those who are actively into their alcoholism or other chemical addiction, grossly limits what Alcoholics Anonymous can do for them. We can plant the sobriety seed that one day may pop up. Like a flower popping up through concrete, it is truly a miracle. I don't know of any program, which can aid these people. It’s simple, when the time comes to face the healing process; these people avoid it by indulging in their addiction. Commonsense tells us we need to abstain while working on this healing process. The mind that made us sick cannot cause us to be well in its present state nor under the influence of the addiction. We cannot get to those conditions and causes of our alcoholism or addiction if we are unwilling or unable to face and own them. We need something Higher than us, different from us, other than us, that can and will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Alcoholics Anonymous is a mind training and Spiritual Awakening Program. I was present when I worked A.A.’s Steps, causing an awakening to our Father’s Presence within all of life. I love those moments when I am conscious of being in His Presence, and He is in my presence. “Learn to trust what you cannot see far more than what you can see” Caroline Myss. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.