I Greet The Indwelling Intention.
Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – If Our Eye [Consciousness] is Single. Our whole life would be filled with light and love. When we look for the good with someone, for that moment, our eye is in union with our created self, the indwelling Presence of love. When we are sharing spiritual principles with someone who really wants it, it’s easier to stay on purpose. When we are focused on living our heart’s desire, our eye is single. We are given the power to turn just about any situation that is not our heart’s desire into an act of loving service. We may not feel loving, but we can do loving things, out of enlightened self-interest, causing our eye to be single. Focusing on those who still suffer, at some point on our spiritual path we all suffer. We can choose to keep our eye single as we are seeking to do and to be our Father’s Love and Will. Living spiritual principles chips away what is not our Father’s individual Divine design. Let us choose this day to be miracle-minded; trading selfishness for enlightened self-interest, trading guilt and punishment, the most commonly abused drug, for forgiveness. Trading not love for service. Trading our withdrawing and withholding for grace to give of ourselves. Choose the inner light, instead of darkness. Choose the power of our Father over the weakness of our personal “reality,” freeing our mind to be single once again. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.