Al Kohallek Goes Twelve Stepping (out of Print)

Al Kohallek Goes Twelve Stepping (out of Print)


Al Kohallek Goes 12 Stepping This Workbook includes all Twelve Steps, Which may be applied to any area of our life.

“A.A.’s Twelve Steps are a group of principles, spiritual in their nature, if practiced as a way of life can expel . . . . ." (Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions). Something spiritual will expand with its use. Material and ego things deteriorate with use.

Our primary purpose in this workbook is to offer additional tools, which could enable you to practice these principles in all your affairs. We will introduce you to this set of useful tools; however, tools are worthless unless we learn how to use them and then use them. Well that’s what this little workbook is about. Our main focus will be learning new ways to expand our application of the program. To help you awaken to the powerful spiritual principles embodied in the Twelve Steps (Recovery), Twelve Traditions (Unity) and Twelve Concepts for World Service (Service). This Workbook deal with the Twelve Steps. As the results of our practicing this program to the best of our ability we do have an awakening to these Spiritual Gifts. This process chips away all that is not our God-created self, introducing us to our true nature.

“Lack of power, that was our dilemma. We had to find a Power by which we could live, and it had to be a Power greater than ourselves. Obviously. But where and how were we to find this Power? Well, that’s exactly what this book is about. Its main object is to enable you to find a Power greater than yourself which will solve your problem.” (Alcoholics Anonymous page 45 reprinted with permission) The main object of this workbook is to be in concert with that.

One of the most common human needs is love. The second part of Step Twelve is; “…we tried to carry this message.” This is sharing; this is Love. We give but little when we give of our possessions, it is when we give of ourselves that we truly give. We can love because our deepest nature is love. The messenger is the message.

The third part of Step Twelve is: “…and to practice these principles in all our affairs.” The only way we can fully realize who we are is to share what we currently are as the result of this process. In that moment we will be told, shown what to do, say, think and feel in a way we can currently hear, understand and follow.

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