I greet The Indwelling Presence.
Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – A New Commitment. After many years working and living the Steps and Traditions, I find myself with a need and a desire to make a deeper commitment. I want so much to do and to be our Father’s Love and Will, consciously known and unknown. The starting point for another spiritual transformation is to realize that my best ideas and actions are no longer enough. It is as if my personal “reality” has betrayed me once again, calling for me to surrender all I am and all I have. I believe that nothing that is our Father’s loving Will for me or anything of real value can be lost. The change I believe to come; some already done include, but not limited to my present understanding of every-one and everything. I’m willing to clean out all my closets; spiritual, mental, physical, emotion and social, which include both the consciously known and unknown. As my denial breaks down I see more to be done, that has always been the case. I have no illusions that I can do all of this alone and unaided. I trust it will be done by our Father and the indwelling Presence within me. Paraphrasing Step Eleven, I must seek through prayer and meditation to improve my conscious contact with our Father, as I presently understand Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for me and the power to carry that out. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.