I greet The Indwelling Knower.
Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – I Am. If our Father wanted us to be someone or something else we would be. “Every blade of grass has its angel who bends over it and whispers, “Grow, grow” (Talmud). Although we are far more important than a blade of grass, if we listen in the silence of our soul our angel is shouting, “Awaken.” “He has given His angels charge over us (me); they lift us (me) up in their arms, lest at any time we (I) may dash our (my) foot against a stone.” We don’t have to be one of the great leaders; we need only to take care of whom or what is in front of us. Let us be faithful to our authentic-self. How many ways have we heard the same thing said? “What we have to be - is what we are" (Thomas Merton). We have only one real dis-ease; our illusion of separation from our Father and His Holy Team. A human without a conscious contact with our Father, has not fully awakened. We have an indwelling Presence within us that will introduce us to our I Am - Higher-Self, if we ask with all of our heart, mind and soul, and practice a few simple spiritual principles A. A. has given us. We have come a long way on our Spiritual recovery when we plant the Alcoholics Anonymous’ seed which we know we may never see it grow. Thy Love, Thy Will be done