Show Me The Road “Pay Forward” # 313

I greet The Indwelling Fellow Traveler.

Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – Show Me The Road – to carry out my mission, Father.  My effectiveness depends on You, as my only True Source. “Let dawn bring news of Your faithful love, for I place my trust in You; show me the road I must travel.”  Inspire me to do Your bidding; bring love into this world. Father, whatever You choose to reveal through me; let me be a clear channel. My service does not have to be spectacular; it is the love I put into each act of service that matters the most. There are no illusions of separation when I act out of love. My mission becomes my way to bring our Father’s Love to the world. “We are our Father with skin on.” We are the channels through which the love current flows; let it be clutter free. If we are not connected to our Source, we cannot make our True journey. Negativity poisons us, but love heals us, restores us to be whole once again.  Blaming others makes it impossible to forgive myself, or to accept our Father’s forgiveness; waiting for others to change. Come let me love you; I was wrong to blame you, or anyone else, Father.  My mission is to express Your Love that You created us to do, and to be; in your image and likeness.  Alcoholics Anonymous has given us a wonderful roadmap; furnishing us with everything we need for our journey.  Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
