I greet The Indwelling Presence.
Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – Our Faith Made Us Whole. When things were extremely good or bad, I turned, in earnest, to our Father. Now, I choose to start the day with prayer, meditation and affirmations. I read A.A. literature and inspirational books, and I write everyday as part of my prep work. I often remind myself, during the day, Who’s my Boss; my One Source. I don’t like to tell people about my extremes unless it serves a purpose. I don’t want to come across as a “holier-than-thou” person. If you think, I’m kissing up to our Father, you’re right. Long ago I found where the first Cause of all the good stuff comes. I built a habit saying Father at each beginning or shift in what I am, thinking, feeling or doing; I changed that saying to our Father to include others, inviting my consciousness to our Source. I found saying our Father is better than saying @#&*! %; that’s a negative mood changer. “A life spent in making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing" (G.B. Shaw). Maybe my exaggerated seeking to do and to be our Father’s Love and Will are mistaken; I don’t care. I choose my extreme kissing-up-to a proven merciful Source than going back to my useless life; I was living alone and unaided. Come let us “Pay Forward” a little kissing-up-to our Father silently or openly, your choice. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.