I greet The Indwelling Actor.
Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – Acting As If, is not the same as "Fake it until you make it." I believe that’s being dishonest, phony, and that is not good for me. “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear” Isaiah 66:24. With an intuitive faith I am acting as if my affirmations are already answered. It is our Father within that answers. Today I choose to focus on feasting on what I want, which is to be and to do our Father’s Will and Love. I choose to fast from all that is contrary to His Will and Love as I understand it. I choose to use affirmations that are in alignment with what I believe His son and loving brother is. Affirmations are planting the love seeds that I want to bear fruit. I deny any power to selfishness and loveless-ness. I let go and let our Father have His Way. I claim my inheritance of Spiritual, mental, physical, emotional, and social abundance. I am willing to share all I want to increase. I choose to use all my senses and be open to the energy that is within, around and through me. While my mind may go in a million directions, I choose once again to re-center my consciousness within our Father’s Will and Love. I choose to be at one with the infinite rhythm of Life. Come let us be about our Father’s Business. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.