Wasp In A Cup “Pay Forward” # 291

I greet The Indwelling Communicator.

Today’s “Pay Forward gift is - Wasp In A Cup.  A wasp got trapped in my office, it landed on my computer at one end of my office.  On the other end, about 40 feet away, was a closet where I kept a supply of cups.  I walked backward toward, keeping my eyes on the wasp.  It landed on the glass window, seeking freedom, no doubt, that make it easy to put a cup over the wasp and then take outside.  I no longer kill anything unless I’m going to eat it; I don’t eat wasp.  I was holding the cup in my hand when the wasp flew into that cup.  I felt a rush of love and gratitude, which I experience every time I share the event. I felt an at-one-ment with all of nature, with the universe and most important, a loving union with our Father and His Team. There was then, and also now a healing, and forgiveness deeper than words. I took the wasp outside to freedom.  I went to my A.A. meeting, knowing the topic was going to be “Wasp flying into a cup.”  I was waiting for the right time to bring up my miracle.  A person was taking another members inventory.  The longer he shared, the more anger I got.  I said something like – “We don’t take other’s inventory; like I’m doing now, taking yours.”  Where did my great love and gratitude go?  Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
