I greet The Indwelling Presence.
Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is - Altering My Consciousness. When I was around 8 or 9 years old, I was already trying to alter the way I experience life. I would whirl until I was too dizzy to stand. Later, I heard about the Whirling Dervish, whirling rapidly to bring about a mystical state. They were taught to love everyone. I tried to copy then, but couldn’t. Another game we played – facing a person, we would take turns choking the other until passed out. By standing the choker would not be strong enough to keep the other up, which would end the choking. That game stopped, when my mom found out. Smoking, drinking and sex altered state of consciousness for a while. A person took the backseat out of their car and installed a tank of laughing gas. That gave a whole new mean to joyful driving. If we don’t get to the condition and causes – the root of our alcoholism was seeking a different way to alter our consciousness. How and when did you alter your consciousness, or did you? Practicing A.As’ principles I had a Spiritual awakening, which altered my consciousness at a much deeper level. Now, I know to travel within for that desired shift in my consciousness. I want a Spiritual union with our Father within to continue, join me on that serendipity journey Home. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.