I Know You’re There “Pay Forward” # 333

I greet The Indwelling Presence.

Today’s my “Pay Forward” gift is – I know You’re There. Where O where can I find my Higher Power? There is an Eskimo tribe known for their ivy carvings that has an interesting preparation rite. They take a piece of ivy and turn it over and over chanting. “I know you are in there show me.” When the carver gets a vision of an image, he carves it. I use a form of the Eskimo carver’s way. I consciously know our Higher Power, who I choose to call our Father, is within all of us doing the works I call my life, all life. I know that I did not create myself or am I able to turn the food I ate into energy, flesh and bone, in other words, everything it takes to live, move and have my being. However, all too often I have no conscious contact with Him. I say over, and over Father - I know it is You within me doing the works, reveal Your Will to me. Awaken me to Your Presence, let me know Your Love, Your Will for me and let me have all it takes to carry it out. Most of the time I just say, Father, then I take the next step that comes to me, trusting it is His will. Practicing His Presence is the vital part of my life.  Hanging on our A.A. wall is a sign, First-Things-First, I choose our Father first.  Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
