“Who Am I?” “Pay Forward” # 351


I greet The Indwelling Presence.

Today’s “Pay Forward” gift is – “Who am I?” I have asked myself that question many times. It is as if I am a big secret to myself. My search for myself goes back as far as I can remember and continues daily. If it didn’t it would be a sign that my growing has stopped, God forbids. I have gone about searching for clues, none of which helped for long. My curiosity about who I am and what’s my purpose grows more intense, realizing our Father has a Divine Design for each of us. When I decided that Alcoholics Anonymous was the life for me, I grabbed hold of it with all my heart, mind and soul, obsessed with my identity as an A.A. member. Alcoholics Anonymous stops working; I thought the problem was A.A.; it was my understanding of the program that stopped working. Our Father takes our used up ways out of our hands. I was in the first stage of a Spiritual Transformation.  Our True Self is the hidden treasure we are searching for. “Sell” everything and buy the “pearl of great price" (Matthew 13:46).  (Alcoholics Anonymous page 58) “…we beg of you to be fearless and thorough from the very start."  No matter what, I must keep on with A.A. and this too will pass. Our program will help chip away all that is not that “pearl of great price," our intended True Self. Thy Love, Thy Wil be done.  For free  workbooks -  www.12stepworkbook.org/workshops
